13.10.2017 р. відбудеться відкриття виставки Івана Притули ” У ритмі почуттів” в Арт-галереї Вишинської за адресою: Львів,вул. Фурманська,5/3
(Українська) Виставка “Тендітність в обіймах вітру”. Уляна Король
11 травня 2017 року у Арт-галереї Вишинської відбудеться виставка Уляни Король “Тендітність в обіймах вітру” , присвячена до Дня Матері. Відкриття виставки о 16:00 год. за адресою: м.Львів, вул.Фурманська,5/3.
(Українська) Виставка Василя Джабрайлова”Живописні метаморфози”
An artistik gallery exists from 2004. Display of gallery works are presented executed in different technix, art on linen, glass, tree, with the use of diynikh, akrilovih crayon tempernikh points. Graphic works are widely presented, ceramiks and batik.
In a gallery works of artists are exhibited different age, with different artistik edukation, and considerabe experience of work, ith large luggage of knowledges and perfektly produced own technique. This artists take part in collective and in personal exhibitions not only in Ukraine but also after its scopes.
There are artists which constently co-operate with an art gallery.
- Nadiya Karpova
- Iryna Korol
- Dmytro Vol
- Andriy Nedvid
- Lyobomyr Martynuk
- Yaroslav Didula
- Severyn Goray
- Lydmyla Lyferova
- Lesja Karavaeva
- Olga Kuzmenko
- Tetyana Hmil
- Natalka Kuharska
- Vitaliy Maystrenko
- Lydmyla Begay
- Andriy Kozar
- Igor Marchyk
- Yaroslav Svirnyak
- Yuliya Dolynska
- Leonid Kovryga
- Hrystyna Melenchuk
- Andriy Mayovec
- Sergiy Nosok
- Vitaliy Semenuha
The proprietress of gallery is Vishinska Irene – candidate economic sciences, associate proffesor of department of audit of Lvov Comercial Academy, personality with the refined taste and large fascination of art. Her husbant is an artist with serious reserve as in the area of classic landscape so in abstractions. Their daugher draws. She studies in the Lvov National academy of arts and carries with a design.
We invite everyone to the exhibition Lubomir Martyniuk “Epiphany in color”
From 9 to 19 May Vyshynsky Art Gallery, the exhibition of the Kiev artist Lubomir Martyniuk “Epiphany in color. Exhibition opening May 9 at 17.00
The exhibition of Rokssolani Priymi
Exhibition «Color of fern» Art-galereeyu Vishinskoy is organized. On opening an artistic atmosphere thematic music, pleasant treating, and also dress, will complement. Possibility of the unique socializing is with an artist. On an exhibition it is presented work of Roksolani Priymi, which gave birth 1959 in m Lviv . The first personal exhibition took place in age 3 in Museum of the Western and East art in m Odesa. In 1981 year made off Institute of the Applied and decorative art in Lviv. Member of union of artists of Ukraine, and from 2003 years is the member of Union of Artists of Poland. In 2000 year got a difference personally signed by Ioanom by Pavlo ²². Works of which differ unique author style, and paints flow fickly Roksolana Priyma presented 20 works An artist perceives the world for –zhinochemu. It gives it to works of lightness, uniqueness and poetry. Works of Roksolani were exhibited anymore as on 50-ti exhibitions in Ukraine and by a foreign country.